Hello beauties. I've had a whole heap of people request this recipe when I had it on my insta-story so here it is. The inspiration came from the Linda McCarthy vegan ready-made pies that you can find in the vegetarian freezer/fridge section in Woolworths or Coles. They are delicious and great with a salad if you're in the need of a quick dinner. I discovered those pies when I was pregnant and couldn't walk into the kitchen let alone cook without throwing up so you could say they saved my husband from starving.
A little bit about when my family went vegetarian which was just under 2 years ago now. My hubby and I are one of those couples that do everything together ha and that includes going vego. Side note, I am totally obsessed with my husband and son so you will most likely be hearing about them a lot on my blog :)
So It began as a spiritual transition and when we became more 'conscious'. We researched and watched documentaries and decided that is how we wanted to live our lives and nourish our bodies. Since then, for me personally it is also about the animals and the environment too. There are plenty of documentaries if you would like to educate yourself on the benefits of a plant based diet and I am also here if you have any questions about the transition. Just to be clear, each to their own in terms of food choices. I have noticed a huge difference with going vegetarian and I will promote this lifestyle but if you want to eat meat that's entirely your choice. I don't comment on when people eat meat so I am not entirely sure why some people take it personally that I don't eat it. Ok enough on that.. here are the tips !
Do not be disheartened by the list of ingredients. You will have a lot of them already and this recipe is very quick
Use a processor. It will save you SO MUCH time and you will thank me later. This is easily made without it but it will take way longer and I am all about those quick dinners w
This could be vegan if you used dairy-free pastry and butter
If you don't want to add red wine then replace it with vegetable stock
I served it with sweet potato oven baked fries and a salad
Regarding the amount of mushrooms, I filled one of those brown paper bags they have at the grocery store so I have no idea how many grams this is but I will find out and update it with the gram amount
With the tomatoes, if you prefer a chunkier texture then used crushed, if you want it smoother then I used the Mutti polpa and it comes out delish
Here is what you need :
2 cans of lentils ( I used the small brown ones, they are smallest you can get. Be sure to drain and rinse before use)
2 carrots
2 cloves of garlic
2 cans of tomato's
1 cup red wine (optional) or 1 cup of vegetable stock
1 cup of pea's
Handful of chopped parsley
A brown paper bag of mushrooms
Handful of English Spinach, washed and chopped up
Salt and pepper
Enough olive oil to coat the base of your medium size saucepan
6 or so little ceramic dishes you can put in the oven. Mine are these ones
Here is what you need to do
Put the oven on 200 degrees. In the processor, start off with blitzing the onion so it would resemble finely diced if you were chopping it. Add a good slug of oil into a saucepan and once hot add the onion. While this is cooking on medium to low heat, blitz the peeled carrots (cut them into halves or quarters so its easier on the processor) then add to the onions. Season the onions and carrot with salt and pepper and once the onion has softened add the wine, two cans of tomato and parsley.
Clean the mushrooms by wiping the dirt off them with paper towel then blitz these (you want a mince kinda texture) and the garlic and set aside. Cook off the wine (a few minutes is all it takes) then put the lid on and let the tomato cook for 5 minutes or so.
Add the mushrooms, lentils, pea's and spinach and cook for 2 minutes. Turn the stove off. You don't want too much liquid but enough so they aren't dry.
Grease ceramic ramekens with oil or butter . Cut a large square of pastry (be sure to leave enough so it can be pinched at apposite ends). Refer to image. Place into ramekens pushing down gently so it's sitting flat in the ramekens . Repeat this across how ever many you plan on cooking. This will make 6 with some left over. Spoon equal amounts into the ramekens, then to seal it , grab opposite corners of the pastry and pinch the sides so they end up sealed.
Brush with a beaten egg or oil and pop in the oven until the pastry is cooked and brown. Usually about 20 minutes in a hot oven.
It's going to be really hot so be careful before devouring them.
Much love,
The Designer Hippy