moringa oil

Daily Self Care with Ritual Oils Rose Quartz Face Roller, Gua Sha & Moringa Oil w Blue Lotus

Hello ! It’s me. And I am so happy to be back connecting with ya’ll.
As it is still lockdown here in Sydney, Australia ; I figured it’s the perfect time to check in with you and for you to see what I am doing.

Lockdown due to Covid -19 has been intense and whilst we are all riding the same storm; we are NOT all in the same boat. Some people are in boats and some are in yachts. I want to extend my love and blessings to absolutely everyone who has been affected whether that is financially, mentally, physically or spiritually.
Anyways, some comments I have gotten are how I am always happy and looking good (not sounding stuck up but for real some people said that which I have credited makeup, cute filters and a happy vibe lmao).
And while I believe I really consciously made an effort to use lockdown to my advantage, my hubby and I both can verify I am not always happy. I am super sensitive and highly emotional. I absorb other people’s energies and since the world is a mad house right now I do get in my moods …BUT I can say I have done SO MUCH internal work and I am really proud of how much I’ve evolved during lockdown.

If you want me to go more into my lockdown routine like my home workouts, what I am eating and how I am staying motivated for life then let me know but for now I am going to get back to my daily self care which has kept me sane and looking a lil fresher.

So if you can remember back to my post on Ritual Oils Moringa & Blue lotus , I absolutely love using this divine smelling oil and this gorgeous shop in general. Well when I was pregnant with Lolita in 2019 and living that virtual hell ( read about it here if you’re not familiar with Hyperemesis Gravidarum & why I am sounding so dramatic), Ritual Oils gifted me the Rose Quartz Face Roller, Gua Sha & Ritual Oils Set. Oh my goodness it must have been the pregnancy hormones combined with pre-natal depression but I sobbed like a baby haha I was so grateful.

Anyways I really enjoy using both the roller and the Gua Sha. I will admit the Gua Sha is my fave because of how it sculpts the jawline and cheekbones and I love high, defined cheekbones.
I found this lady on Instagram and she does all these crazy face massages using the Gua Sha and I also went onto Youtube and Googled techniques. It’s so easy and it works. I don’t have anything against botox or filler, I just don’t feel ready for it (and I hate needles) so this is perfect for me.
I use the Blue Lotus Moringa Oil, the Gua Sha and the rollwer after the shower every day.

**TIP** Keep them both in the fridge and it feels so good on the skin like wow.

If you’re not familiar, some other benefits of the Rose Quartz Face Roller and Gua Sha are :

  • tension relief

  • assists with facial lymphatic drainage

  • assists with product absorption into the skin

  • and supports blood circulation

If you have tried it out. Let me know :) i feel like I am puffy in the face in the morning but after using these three I see a HUGE difference.

After I do my skin care routine I have been getting into the habit of putting makeup on every second day or so even if I am just going to the fruit shop to get items for dinner.
Honestly, I enjoy makeup and getting dressed up. For me personally when I look good I feel better and since no beauty services are open- this is the next best option for me to keep me sane.

This little self care routine has made a difference to my mental state. I have a few more posts on the way with products from Ritual Oils. If you’re keen on trying out there products you can get a discount with the code ROMEO. Click this link and happy shopping cause you deserve it.

Lots of love beautiful people. Sending out love and light
